Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This is something we all possess an inherent abundance of. And this space is my canvas , my work of art, my expression.
I have spent countless hours in fine tuning my vision of the ideal, most fulfilling life I could want.
The aspects in my vision have been arranged into a coherent whole and now I am acting with the faith and purpose to realize this vision and bring it out into physical expression.

My following posts will focus on the main areas of my new awe inspiring creative life.

Freedom, this to me is the most important aspect of my life.
This includes physical freedom the ability to travel and experience beauty. Financial freedom , having the means necessary to explore, learn and teach.
I also desire and expect impeccable health and fitness and a body that feels powerful, able to act to bring about powerful results.
I am committed to total personal development, in all aspects.
The ability to more fully express my oneness with the Creator and to live a life that reflects my unity with Him. Therefore I seek to live fully in spirit and to be a massive contributor to the overall life of the world through my application of specialized knowledge.
I have amazing friends and mentors who share in my vision , who uplift me and support me throughout my mission.
I have the most amazing family, who give me a strong sense of belonging and identity.
I have the support and love of the most beautiful mother, one could ever ask for.
A caring and giving spirit whose presence lights up any room.

I can now see that the direction of my concentration and focus will always strengthen that which I look at. And using these amazing advantages shall use this knowledge to live the most beautiful life possible. This is the initial step, the mapping of that course, to which I will dedicate my time, energy and efforts.
It is my compass and I would like to share this voyage of self understanding and wealth creation with all of you .

Ramon Watson is a dynamic Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor. He is passionate in providing service and giving people more of the means of life. If you want to improve any area of your life contact 
Ramon on     (+27)73 980 8461
Or email on

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Exciting changes and an upgrade

It's been quite a while since my last post, just enough time for me to define exactly what my new look website will be all about.
In the past my focus was more on the personal development / self help. The same material which help me to solidify my vision and goals into solid form, this blog being one form of expression of that vision.
Now to make this website a true reflection of my vision and to help more fully achieve my purpose, I will be adding three new sections to this space. Which I believe to be main ingredients in my vision.

Those new sections will be Nutrition and healthy living - This section will include yummy and uber nutritious easy to prepare recipes for smoothies , nutritional info on superfoods, muscle building and tips on incorporating a healthy eating plan for you into a daily schedule.
I will post recipes on easy meals EVEN I can prepare that give me the right amount of goodness for the body I want. Eventually I will be supplying  a range of superfoods and health products that I believe actually deliver on the promises they make. Thereby saving you the time and money of trying out all these products yourself.
I will post pics of my own progress on the road to my ideal body..

Travel and nature - this will be where I highlight and visit all the unique and exhillerating areas in South Africa and beyond. I will have picture galleries and write ups on the amazing areas I have already been to and regular updates as I traverse the globe seeking out new adventures and idyllic scenes to enjoy and invigorate the senses :). I encourage all of my readers to send in their comments and suggestions , reccomendations on the places YOU have been to.Please upload your pics, stories etc.

Financial freedom , This is the one topic that I am super enthusiastic about.
I want as MANY people out there to be free, free from this soul destroying rat race that we have been led into. I want my readers to have true wealth Which is not only financial , but spiritual , physical andthe ability to think creatively independent of negative circumstances.
I will highlight some creative and lucrative income earning strategies that we all can use.
And use my experience in the asset management industry to show you better ways of creating financial independence that these big corporates would prefer you don't know about.

Our lives are meant to be a beautiful expression of who and what we are .Creative beings. not some mad scramble to pay bills and eek out a living the way many of our parents did. So if you want to break out of the monotony and scarcity of the rat race, this website is for You.
I will be sharing my own story of wealth creation from where I am today to my "financial freedom day" and share my successes and failures with you all.
I would like to create a living learning environment where we can share apply these success principles in an online mastermind group to the benefit of all members.

In the coming months I will aggressively be learning, studying attending seminars and live events and actively teaching as much of the material that I find helpful to my subscribers and I would love for you to be one of the first .
If you believe in the vision set out above and would like to become a part of this movement please subscribe to my blog and upcoming websites.

I will even send you a free copy of Napoleon Hills Think and grow rich, which was the first personal development book I ever read and which has had a tremendous impact on my thinking since then.

In closing would just like to impel you to action by sharing " Those things which matter most should never be at the mercy of the things which matter least"  Johann Von Goethe
allow me to be play my part in helping you achieve what matters most to you .
And in so doing allow me to fulfill my own purpose and vision...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some natural laws you can use

1) The Law of  Control – we feel happy about ourselves to the extent that we have the ability to control what happens to us.
- Our thoughts, our feelings and eventually our actions

2) The Law of  Polarity - Everything in the universe has its polar opposite. Left has a right. Inside must have an outside. If something bad has happened then there must be something good about it. But it is up to us to choose to focus on one or the other.

3) The Law of Cause and Effect - For every effect in our life there is a cause behind it
Everything happens for a reason.
If we can identify the causes then we'll be able to control the effects that happen in our lives.

Thoughts are causes and circumstances are effects
Our thoughts determine the circumstances in our lives

4) The Law of Belief

Whatever you believe with feeling will become your reality; your beliefs are a screen that you use to  view the world and do not let anything contrary to your beliefs inside.
As a man thinketh so is he…

5) The Law of Expectations
Whatever we expect with confidence will become our reality.
What am I expecting, what do I tell myself about how things will unfold for me?
Eg. In the economy - expectations are self fulfilling e.g. expectation of more inflation will by its very nature increase inflation.

There are 3 key areas:-

a) What did our parents expect for us?
b) What expectations do I have for my colleagues, friends and other people that I work with?
c) What do I expect from myself? - Probably the most important of all!

6) The Law of Attraction
Each human being is a living magnet.
We all give off a certain frequency by our thoughts, feelings and actions.We have attracted into our lives people, events, circumstances that are in harmony with our own thoughts.

Attitude consist of our thoughts, feeling and actions.

Positive mental attitude is a critical prerequisite for success.
80% of your ability to succeed is determined by your attitude

Where do attitudes come from?
Our attitudes come from our expectations about outcomes.
Eg. What Kind of Outcomes do I expect??

Winners have the habit of expecting to succeed well in advance of the actual event.
They live through and really experience the emotions linked to winning in advance.

Where do our expectations come from ?

They come from our beliefs.These are ideas we have picked up and due to repetition and observation we believe them.These beliefs control our decisions and either help us or hinder us in our daily lives.

Where do our beliefs come from?
They are based on our self concept.
It is the controlling factor in our performance

Self concept = Self Ideal + Self esteem

How we think about ourselves

And the many smaller self concepts in other areas eg.driving, communicating, social,
work, sports and then in each aspect of that sport.
More about the self concept coming up in my next post - so stay tuned !! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Vibration and thought

The frequency that you emanate (via your thoughts and feelings) will attract its like.
People circumstance and events that resonate with your dominant thoughts will be drawn towards you.
We should not think and act in opposite directions.
Ensure that your imagination (mental images) support and strengthen the desires you have developed.

Visualize the thing you desire, live in the house you want, the world is but a reflection of your true inner self.
Life is a mirror, you look outside and you get a reflection of yourself on the inside exactly as you really are.
All life is lived from the inside out.
If you continually visualize and expect bad things to happen to you then by your own mental images and vibration is is drawn to you.

The seemingly vicious world will give you exactly what you believe it will.
Remember:  Nothing is … but thinking makes it so.

If you do what you want to do, and do it well. Life becomes a joy.
Therefore do the things that make you feel Great inside, dwell on thoughts and memories that lift your spirit.
The universe is not only a Thinking universe but it is a Feeling universe

“That which is likened to itself is drawn” - this is a restatement of the great law of attraction.

Want to feel confident? Act confidently!
Want to feel love? Go give it!
Want some more money? Go give some away!
Like attracts like
Be the change you want to see in the world – Ghandi

Remember that the present moment is your point of power.
The past is over; the future is not yet here.
It is only in this present moment that I can take action to change my life.

Use this moment now to think of the kind of life you want.
Dwell on the feelings that this lifestyle will give you.Then step out and create it.
It is only a matter of time

Setting goals

It amazes me how many people never think about and actually set goals for themselves.
And until about 6 months ago I was one of those people.
Not a wonder then that I was achieving nothing, fast.

I now realize that nothing worthy in life comes to you by chance or luck.
We all need to decide upfront what it is that we will commit ourselves to,
Not only does it give us a sense of drive and purpose and direction
But it also allows us to measure our progress on a daily, weekly basis
This gives us an incredible sense of achievement and often just taking small steps provides us with the motivation to continue.
According to Zig Ziglar Our goals should be.

S- Specific - Instead of setting a goal to be more fit.
It would be better to quantify what you mean eg. I want lose 10kgs or I want to jog once a week for at least 30 minutes. In this way it is easy to measure your progress.

M- Measurable - This is a follow on from the first.
That which is measurable gets done. Setting goals that can be measured will help give you feedback and will tell you how well you are doing on your goal. Progress gives you motivation

A-Attainable - The goals we set must be achievable. It is good to set big, bold goals but always remember that you must have a chance of actually achieving the goal.
Set goals that are currently out of reach.

R- Realistic - Even though the goals are currently out of reach they must not be out of sight.
Be realistic in your approach and always look at things you want and not what others may have in mind for you.

T- Time bounded - Set a time limit for the achievement of your goal.
Once you decide on the time frame commit to it.
A goal without a deadline is nothing more than a wish.
It will focus your mind and will make you more receptive to clues and help along the way.
Get used to setting and achieving your goals, start small and be persistent.
You will be amazed at what you are capable of.

These are just a few guidelines on how to “package your goals so that they will stretch you but will not be impossible to achieve and also so that you can measure your progress and therefore gain momentum and motivation after each step.
More coming up soon …

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to attract what you want

Decide in advance exactly what it is that you want in your life.
Be clear, specific and detailed.
Write it down on a card and carry that card around with you at all times.
Read  the card everyday as often as possible.

Note: "There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it"
“No one is ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it, the state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish”. Napoleon Hill

Always look for empowering beliefs.
Our belief systems stem from our evaluation of things, if we begin to re-evaluate our selves with a focus on what we are capable of doing and focus our efforts on constantly improving those things, we can change our beliefs for the better

An open mind is necessary for seeing the opportunities.
Closed minds will not inspire faith, courage or belief.
No more effort is required to produce wealth than it takes to produce poverty – Success and failure is predictable!

You get whatever you think about most of the time.
Develop a clear mental picture of the things you want, add every minute detail exactly as you would like to have it manifest.
Hold this picture in mind all the time, with faith that you do receive and purpose to cause the creation of your dream. Remember that a grateful mind will not fail to bring about what it wills
Be persistent!

Steps to develop persistence

- Develop and strengthen your definite major purpose.
- Begin with the end in mind.
- Light a fire underneath your desires so that you will have the clear mental image of all    
   the things you want and can hold it in mind constantly.
- Develop definite written plans to achieve your major purpose.
- Give yourself a time limit and write out each step it will take to get to the desired result,
- Be grateful for the blessings that you already have.
- Close your mind tightly against negative suggestions and the opinions of others.
- Align yourself with a strong group of like minded people who share your vision.
- Realize that you have something wonderful to contribute with your life.
- Get going!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some important facts on the subconsious mind

1. Subconscious only thinks in present tense , as in how I feel right now, what I am experiencing now. Therefore when using affirmations say "I am,   I have, I earn", Not "I want, I will have".

2. Subconscious does not tell the difference between what is real and what is vividly imagined -
Vividly imagining our dreams as already manifested in reality with perfect clarity and detail is equivalent to an actual experience to our subconscious mind.Our nervous system and neurons in our brain fire in the same way as it would if we were really experiencing what we imagine.That is why we can often feel tense and afraid simply by imagining a negative event happening to us.

3. Subconscious can be programmed by repetition -
Therefore whatever you habitually think or do in your conscious mind will eventually become a subconscious pattern.
eg. Learning to drive a car. At first you have to concentrate while performing the actions, shift gear, clutch control, and accelerate lightly.
But once you have repeated the process enough times you have developed a subconscious pattern and the task can be done with only minimal effort afterwards

4. The subconscious mind thinks only in absolute terms
eg. When affirming that you will make sales in your job.
Say "I sell a product every time I pitch to a prospect", Not, I sometimes make a sale.

5. The Subconscious picks up thoughts quicker, if they are well mixed with emotion
Thoughts + emotional intensity also help establish beliefs which are essentially stored in your subconscious mind. Beliefs dictate how you will act in a certain situation, you may think that you are making a conscious choice to act in a certain way but the reality is that we have developed conditioned responses that are in alignment with our dominant beliefs.

6. The subconscious Mind is irrational
Unlike your conscious mind your subconscious mind cannot decide between two or more alternatives, It is not rational or critical.Your subconscious mind will act on whatever you put into it and will bring the manifestation of whatever you habitually think in your conscious mind.
Therefore its is essential that we take control of our conscious thoughts, mental images and our responses and in so doing we may develop better and stronger habits.

7. The subconscious mind knows the answers to all questions
If you give the subconscious a command or a question and you believe that your subconscious mind does indeed have an answer, you hand over the question/problem over with complete faith and expectancy, you will receive the answer.

8. The best time to program your subconscious mind is when your conscious mind is quiet or pacified eg. just before sleep and first thing in the morning upon waking.

How to get what you want

All our waking time is spent consciously, thinking planning making distinctions, deciding etc
So one would naturally think that all it takes to draw what you want into your life, would be to think about the things you want in a way that you already have achieved it right?

But there is more to it than that, although we use our conscious minds during normal waking hours, it is not our conscious mind which dictates our habits and habitual thinking or our emotions and our habitual responses.
It is a mind much, much more powerful than the conscious mind which does these things.
The subconscious

Or that part of the mind which is below the conscious.
Another way of looking at it is the mind which is subject or under the control of the conscious mind.

All you need to do to get the results you want is to give your subconscious mind the feeling that you already have the thing you want.
Once your subconscious mind is convinced that you have it, it will bring the object to you in one of the ways of the universe.
Turn over your request for whatever you want in absolute faith in a relaxed and expectant mood and your subconscious mind will do the rest.

Your subconscious mind will not respond, if you force.
It responds to ideas that are accepted by your conscious mind, and if your imagination (or mental images) are in alignment with you desires, your subconscious will act on it.

Give your subconscious mind a direct and unambiguous goal to seek and conclude with certainty that there is a solution and that you will find it.

According to your belief it is done unto you.

Decree, health, happiness, financial freedom and you will have it.
But remember the only way to access the subconscious mind is by relaxing and allowing the conscious mind to quiet down.
Be specific, get a clear mental picture of the desired result,the happy ending and dwell on this image with all your emotions and focus.

Your new image must be felt subjectively.
Your conscious mind will try and get in your way, just sidestep any doubts and believe that it is.

Belief – to accept something as true.

The universe responds to your feeling.

Through relaxation you allow the kinetic energy behind the idea to take over and bring it into creation.

Law of reversed effort, when your desires and imagination are in conflict.
Your imagination will gain the advantage.

Mental force will always be futile.
The subconscious mind will accept the stronger of the dominant thoughts in the mind.
Think of a mental block in a an examination room.

The unison of conscious and subconscious mind will allow the manifestation of what you want.
Think about your life the way you want it , FEEL that you have already achieved it, let the emotions sink in. ACT with your whole mind focused only on the result you want. Do every action with the absolute faith that your goal is already yours and do each small action in a successful way.

What will you choose to create?

To your success!