Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This is something we all possess an inherent abundance of. And this space is my canvas , my work of art, my expression.
I have spent countless hours in fine tuning my vision of the ideal, most fulfilling life I could want.
The aspects in my vision have been arranged into a coherent whole and now I am acting with the faith and purpose to realize this vision and bring it out into physical expression.

My following posts will focus on the main areas of my new awe inspiring creative life.

Freedom, this to me is the most important aspect of my life.
This includes physical freedom the ability to travel and experience beauty. Financial freedom , having the means necessary to explore, learn and teach.
I also desire and expect impeccable health and fitness and a body that feels powerful, able to act to bring about powerful results.
I am committed to total personal development, in all aspects.
The ability to more fully express my oneness with the Creator and to live a life that reflects my unity with Him. Therefore I seek to live fully in spirit and to be a massive contributor to the overall life of the world through my application of specialized knowledge.
I have amazing friends and mentors who share in my vision , who uplift me and support me throughout my mission.
I have the most amazing family, who give me a strong sense of belonging and identity.
I have the support and love of the most beautiful mother, one could ever ask for.
A caring and giving spirit whose presence lights up any room.

I can now see that the direction of my concentration and focus will always strengthen that which I look at. And using these amazing advantages shall use this knowledge to live the most beautiful life possible. This is the initial step, the mapping of that course, to which I will dedicate my time, energy and efforts.
It is my compass and I would like to share this voyage of self understanding and wealth creation with all of you .

Ramon Watson is a dynamic Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor. He is passionate in providing service and giving people more of the means of life. If you want to improve any area of your life contact 
Ramon on     (+27)73 980 8461
Or email on

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Exciting changes and an upgrade

It's been quite a while since my last post, just enough time for me to define exactly what my new look website will be all about.
In the past my focus was more on the personal development / self help. The same material which help me to solidify my vision and goals into solid form, this blog being one form of expression of that vision.
Now to make this website a true reflection of my vision and to help more fully achieve my purpose, I will be adding three new sections to this space. Which I believe to be main ingredients in my vision.

Those new sections will be Nutrition and healthy living - This section will include yummy and uber nutritious easy to prepare recipes for smoothies , nutritional info on superfoods, muscle building and tips on incorporating a healthy eating plan for you into a daily schedule.
I will post recipes on easy meals EVEN I can prepare that give me the right amount of goodness for the body I want. Eventually I will be supplying  a range of superfoods and health products that I believe actually deliver on the promises they make. Thereby saving you the time and money of trying out all these products yourself.
I will post pics of my own progress on the road to my ideal body..

Travel and nature - this will be where I highlight and visit all the unique and exhillerating areas in South Africa and beyond. I will have picture galleries and write ups on the amazing areas I have already been to and regular updates as I traverse the globe seeking out new adventures and idyllic scenes to enjoy and invigorate the senses :). I encourage all of my readers to send in their comments and suggestions , reccomendations on the places YOU have been to.Please upload your pics, stories etc.

Financial freedom , This is the one topic that I am super enthusiastic about.
I want as MANY people out there to be free, free from this soul destroying rat race that we have been led into. I want my readers to have true wealth Which is not only financial , but spiritual , physical andthe ability to think creatively independent of negative circumstances.
I will highlight some creative and lucrative income earning strategies that we all can use.
And use my experience in the asset management industry to show you better ways of creating financial independence that these big corporates would prefer you don't know about.

Our lives are meant to be a beautiful expression of who and what we are .Creative beings. not some mad scramble to pay bills and eek out a living the way many of our parents did. So if you want to break out of the monotony and scarcity of the rat race, this website is for You.
I will be sharing my own story of wealth creation from where I am today to my "financial freedom day" and share my successes and failures with you all.
I would like to create a living learning environment where we can share apply these success principles in an online mastermind group to the benefit of all members.

In the coming months I will aggressively be learning, studying attending seminars and live events and actively teaching as much of the material that I find helpful to my subscribers and I would love for you to be one of the first .
If you believe in the vision set out above and would like to become a part of this movement please subscribe to my blog and upcoming websites.

I will even send you a free copy of Napoleon Hills Think and grow rich, which was the first personal development book I ever read and which has had a tremendous impact on my thinking since then.

In closing would just like to impel you to action by sharing " Those things which matter most should never be at the mercy of the things which matter least"  Johann Von Goethe
allow me to be play my part in helping you achieve what matters most to you .
And in so doing allow me to fulfill my own purpose and vision...