Monday, March 30, 2009

Setting goals

It amazes me how many people never think about and actually set goals for themselves.
And until about 6 months ago I was one of those people.
Not a wonder then that I was achieving nothing, fast.

I now realize that nothing worthy in life comes to you by chance or luck.
We all need to decide upfront what it is that we will commit ourselves to,
Not only does it give us a sense of drive and purpose and direction
But it also allows us to measure our progress on a daily, weekly basis
This gives us an incredible sense of achievement and often just taking small steps provides us with the motivation to continue.
According to Zig Ziglar Our goals should be.

S- Specific - Instead of setting a goal to be more fit.
It would be better to quantify what you mean eg. I want lose 10kgs or I want to jog once a week for at least 30 minutes. In this way it is easy to measure your progress.

M- Measurable - This is a follow on from the first.
That which is measurable gets done. Setting goals that can be measured will help give you feedback and will tell you how well you are doing on your goal. Progress gives you motivation

A-Attainable - The goals we set must be achievable. It is good to set big, bold goals but always remember that you must have a chance of actually achieving the goal.
Set goals that are currently out of reach.

R- Realistic - Even though the goals are currently out of reach they must not be out of sight.
Be realistic in your approach and always look at things you want and not what others may have in mind for you.

T- Time bounded - Set a time limit for the achievement of your goal.
Once you decide on the time frame commit to it.
A goal without a deadline is nothing more than a wish.
It will focus your mind and will make you more receptive to clues and help along the way.
Get used to setting and achieving your goals, start small and be persistent.
You will be amazed at what you are capable of.

These are just a few guidelines on how to “package your goals so that they will stretch you but will not be impossible to achieve and also so that you can measure your progress and therefore gain momentum and motivation after each step.
More coming up soon …

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