Monday, October 22, 2012

The six intellectual faculties (part1)

The six intellectual faculties. We as human beings are given immense potential to literally change anything in our lives. Too often however, we are at the mercy of the influences in our environment.We are controlled by the circumstances, events and conditions around us. But we don't have to float around being controlled by our outer environment, we can condition ourselves to live and create our lives from the inside out.

The way we can do this is by developing our six mental factors. These six mental faculties largely control what and how information goes into our consciousness. These faculties are Perception, reason, imagination, will, intuition and memory.Becoming aware of how we currently use these faculties and then consciously changing them will allow us to choose what we think and ultimately our results.

Perception is that ability we have to see our world.Its not what we look at but what we see. This explains that even though we may be in the same situation as another person, while all they see and focus on is limitations we can choose to look at and dwell on only the possibilities. Whatever we focus on will grow in our experience.There is a natural law called the law of polarity, It states that everything we see or feel has an opposite.The one cannot exist without the other.So if we see something negative in our lives that means there must be something positive about it.The law of polarity also states that through our perception we choose which of these possibilites to focus on... So what is it that you are choosing ?

The will
The will, this is the faculty that allows us to focus our attention on one thing, to the exclusion of all else. The will is like a magnifying glass, it channels our attention and energy toward a particular goal or outcome. In doing so we can choose to focus on what we are creating and ignore all other disturbances in our environment. Emerson said, "The only thing that can grow is that to which you give energy to." Using your will properly will ensure you are giving energy to those things that help you grow and achieve your goals, not to the things which are easy but get no results.

The next faculty to understand is reason. This is a conscious faculty we use to thin.Reason gives you the ability to choose our thoughts. In the book mans search for meaning by Victor Franckl who endured and survived torture in a Nazi death camp wrote "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way" Thinking is the highest faculty we as humans possess. So the next time someone accepts conditions in their life and  tells you that is just the way it is. Think about it and decide for yourself...

In the next post I will be discussing the other three mental faculties:the imagination, intuition and memory.
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To your success!

Ramon Watson is a dynamic Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor. He is passionate in providing service and giving people more of the means of life. If you want to improve any area of your life contact Ramon on
Cell  +(27)73 980 8461
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