The memory is the faculty we use to store index and recall information. Contrary to popular belief everyone has a perfect memory.It works, a lot of us just don't know how to use it effectively. Memory works by association, ridiculous association. When we commit something to memory like peoples names, repeating the persons name probably wont cut it. What we must do is make an association between the persons name and perhaps a facial feature that stands out eg. Lets say you meet Peggy at the local theme park. When you meet her you can imagine a peg being attached to her nose, attacking her nose and biting on it the way pacman might. That's a ridiculous association! but it works, I bet you 'll probably never forget Peggy's name, ever.
This is the factor in us that allows us to tune into another persons vibration. We can feel their "vibe" so to speak. This mental faculty allows us to pick up the emotional feeling tone of another. Married couples would have experience with this. You can tell when your spouse is in a funk, even if they say everything is OK. The words are noise and the vibration never lies. Our intuition allows us to make decisions based on gut feel.
We can develop our intuitive factor just as we can any muscle in our body. We have been conditioned to believe that women have intuition and men don't. This is false, as men we have been taught to suppress this emotional guidance system. We are conditioned to be macho and not express emotions. Men and women both have intuition and we can all start improving on it by tuning in to our emotions and what thy tell us about a particular person or situation
Napoleon Hill stated, "The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."
Einstein said "The imagination is more powerful than knowledge"
Our imagination is totally unlimited, It can image an endless amount of possibilities for our lives. For most of us our imagination is largely unused or we use our imagination and create amazing fantasies and then don't take action to realize them.Everything around us from the computer you're reading this on to the internet and the ipad were all created in the imagination first. Our ability to imagine our life as we want it is an amazing asset.The subconscious mind(which silently controls our life) cannot tell the difference between a real event and one that is vividly imagined. In the book psycho cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, he gives countless examples of professionals, from Jack Nicklaus the golfer to astronauts preparing for missions in space who use imagination practice to simulate an action BEFORE they do it in reality. He states that we must have a clear picture of ourselves performing the action successfully. This imagination practice can be more important that form or swing dynamics he adds.
This is just one example of the immense power we have locked up in our imagination. How can you stimulate your imagination to create a life that inspires you. Take a look at the people who have succeeded in the past.You will see that they had a vivid picture of their life and business the way they wanted it long before they created it in reality.
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I am committed to personal growth, constantly developing my skills and abilities. My passion is in helping others succeed greatly. I am very fortunate to have been mentored by, and now a Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor from the movie The Secret. I have studied from the best in the world. We all have big dreams that seem to get squashed by our circumstances and environment but this doesn't have to be. You can succeed in any environment when you take control of you. So if you want to make big changes in your results, please contact me for a 20minute consultation. We will discuss what your big goal really is and what it is that's standing in your way of getting it. If you know what you want, I can show you how to create it. Consultations can be done in person, via skype or telephone
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