Sunday, October 28, 2012

The 7 levels of awareness

Level 1 Animal : Flight or fight

In our evolutionary process this the most primal. This is the animal instinct within us that we call on in times of intense danger. The human nervous system is automatically setup to react to danger by flooding the body with neoro-chemicals like adrenaline that help us survive in life threatening situations. There is no conscious decision making process involved it is all reaction. based on instincts.

Level 2 : Mass
This is the herd mentality. If we look at how masses of people live, think and work we can see that there is a definite pattern in behavior. Many people , if you stopped to ask them why they do the same thing every one else does and they would probably say that they have to, they have no choice... This really isnt true,we all have a choice all the time This is the stage of conformity just doing what is expected and predictable. There is no real thinking that happens here.

Level 3 : Aspiration
This is where an individual realizes that they want something more, something different from the herd behavior and results experienced by the majority of people.They aspire to be, do or have more in their life.This does not mean that they act on this idea, it is just the desire for something different.

Level 4 : Individual
This is the stage where an individual shrugs off the paradigms or habits of the group culture and decides to express his or her own unique approach , philosophy or preference. It takes courage to act out of the norm. It is to risk being ridiculed and laughed at. Being criticized for being different. The mass simply don't realize that they have accepted a certain paradigm and never ever questioned it. Here the individual Steps out and expresses his uniqueness

level 5 : Discipline
Discipline, here the individual becomes more serious about his pursuit of growth. He develops positive habits and a strong self discipline. He is improving his skills and adopts new growth startegies that he applies consistently. Now further separating himself from the mass of individuals who conform to group behaviour.

Level 6 : Experience
Gathering feedback data from his actions , trying out new strategies, he begins to see patterns of what works and which actions are not successful. He has accumulated experience through action, observation and feedback Here the person can fine tune his strategies and tactics.becoming more efficient in doing the right things in the right way every time.

Level 7 : Mastery
Mastery is self evident. This individual has completely distinguished him or herself from the crowd and the competition.He is widely regarded as an expert. People go to him for advice and people associate this person with excellence in what they do. Here the person has developed the faith and courage to do many things successfully. They have mastered themselves and their results.

Where are you on this chart? Are you still in the mass and conformity level or have you stepped out and gone against the status quo? Are you looking to grow more and develop your skills and discipline to achieve more in you life or business? Is there any area of your life you could improve?

I know there is something bigger that you want, Its just out of reach of where you are right now.
Maybe all you need is an objective assessment of what the gap is between what you know and what you do.
I can help you close this gap.
If that's the case I would be honoured to help you move to the next level.

Please contact me by email or telephone, details below

Ramon Watson is a dynamic Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor. He is passionate in providing service and giving people more of the means of life. If you want to improve any area of your life contact Ramon on
Cell  (+27)73 980 8461
Or email on

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thinking Into Results Coaching program for leaders

Combining over 50 years of research in the personal and professional development industry and over 20 years in corporate and merger acquisition law,  Bob Proctor and Sandra Gallagher team up to create the most powerful transformational program of its kind.  

 It teaches leaders and teams how to close the gap between knowing and doing and in the process create more meaningful and purpose-driven lives as they dramatically improve results, organizational culture and customer loyalty.

Thinking Into Results is an extraordinary program that presents twelve logical, straightforward and practical lessons that ensure a thriving, success-driven culture that translates into an exceptional return on investment for any leader. This program is built around the individuals who participate in it It can easily be expanded or condensed to suit the requirement of any group. Thinking into results comprises of:
LESSON 1:   A Worthy Ideal
LESSON 2:   The Knowing-Doing Gap
LESSON 3:   Your Infinite Mind
LESSON 4:   The Secret Genie
LESSON 5:   Thinking Into Results
LESSON 6:   Environment is But Our Looking Glass
LESSON 7:   Trample the Terror Barrier
LESSON 8:   The Power of Praxis
LESSON 9:   The Magic Word
LESSON 10:  The Most Valuable Person
LESSON 11:  Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase
LESSON 12:  Magnifying the Mind

12 DVDs (teaching and leading you through all of the lessons)
Participants Guide (jam packed with lessons, articles, and worksheets which support the video learning)
1 Goal Card (a magical trigger that keeps you connected with your goal)

Your Facilitated Thinking Into Results Program for Leaders includes:
·        Program Orientation with all program participants: 1 hour kickoff session.
·        All materials: Participant Guide, DVDs and Goal Card for each  participant.
·         12- week interactive Thinking Into Results Coaching, 1 hour Sessions with Ramon Watson for up to 20 group participants.
·         Be Prepared for a life changing experience.

For more information on rates, starting dates and enrollment, please contact me on
    or call (+27)73 980 8461

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The stick person

This little diagram is by far THE most life changing concept I have ever come across. It is a visual representation of the way our mind works.It was developed a long time ago by a man named Dr Thurman Fleet , a Chiropractor in Texas, who was frustrated with the healing arts. He said that doctors were just treating symptoms , they were not healing people. I happen to agree with Thurman.

Mainstream doctors today have only one tool with which to heal patients and that is medicine, or chemicals. This only treats the symptom of an underlying problem, which has its root cause in the mind. Most of us have no idea what our mind is or how it works. This diagram will make it clear.

For simplicity sake we say the mind is made up of two parts, the conscious and the subconscious.We also have a body. In the diagram the mind is larger than the body. We do this to emphasise that the body is an instrument of the mind.Whatever is happening in the mind wil be expressed through the body, through behaviour.

The conscious mind is the thinking, educated mind. This is where our ability to choose what to think starts.
Our conscious mind accounts for roughly 5 % of our mind power.
The lower half of the mind is the subconscious mind. This is the feeling or emotional mind. This is the part of mind which stores everything we've ever experienced. It stores our Self image, beliefs, conditioned habits and patterns and our memories.

School crams things into our conscious minds and if we can repeat them we pass but that doesnt help us much in the real world. In the real world you only get rewarded for what you do, not what you know. What we need to learn is how to condition ourselves to adopt habits that are productive. We need to change our paradigm. The paradigm is a group of habits.These paradigms determine our results.

So our conscious mind thinks and it thinks in pictures. Just think of a pink elephant.
Our subconscious mind is like a recorder, so whatever we habitaully think and feel intensely will be impressed on the subconscious.Whatever is impressed will be expressed in the body. Feeling is Vibration. Feelings are always expressed through the boday as actions and our habitual action (paradigms) create our results.

If you want to know what you have been thinking about, simply take a look at your results they never lie.
If you dont like what you see, you simply need to tune into another frequency. Develop an image of what you want. Get excited and inspired  about your new image and see how this changes your habits and ultimately your results.
You can learn all about changing your results in my online course  here

To Your success!

The power of a mastermind

 In Napoleon Hills book Think and grow rich , he defines a mastermind as "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose." He goes on to say, "Plans are inert and useless without sufficient power to translate them into action. Power may be defined as organized and intelligently directed specialized knowledge".
"Organized effort is produced through the coordination of efforts of two or more people , who work toward a definite end, in a spirit of harmony."

When anyone achieves anything of real significance you know that they had other people in their team.
As human beings we cannot really function at a high level on our own.

Masterminding is something that needs to be experienced to be understood properly.It is a completely creative environment. Everyone in the group has knowledge and experience that they use to help you achieve your dreams.

I am very fortunate to be part of a powerful global mastermind group. Made up of individuals who, on their own are incredibly inspiring to me. And when this group gets together something special happens every time. I have changed my own ideas of what I thought I was capable of, simply by being in a supportive group with these people. The feeling of having these geniuses supporting me is indescribable.

There are three important aspects to a mastermind.

1) There must be a state of complete harmony between the members in a mastermind. We operate on the principle of cooperation and we create. Competition is old news
2) Knowledge in and of itself is useless. When you join in a mastermind the knowledge of the group is available to you.This knowledge is highly specialized and we intelligently direct it to create your result. That is a powerful idea.
3) Co ordination of effort of two or more people who work towards a definite objective.

I will be kicking off up to three mastermind groups in the next few weeks.
The groups will be small so that each member can share their story and have the group provide input.
The group will be 1 hour long either in person or on skype and we will be covering a book study on You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor. I guarantee you will gain immense confidence and momentum in your life.

Please email me directly or comment if you want more information
Thanks for reading !

I am committed to personal growth, constantly developing my skills and abilities. My passion is in helping others succeed greatly. I am very fortunate to have been mentored by, and now a Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor from the movie The Secret. I have studied from the best in the world. We all have big dreams that seem to get squashed by our circumstances and environment but this doesn't have to be. You can succeed in any environment when you take control of you. So if you want to make big changes in your results, please contact me for a  20minute consultation. We will discuss what your big goal really is and what it is that's standing in your way of getting it. If you know what you want, I can show you how to create it. Consultations can be done in person, via skype or telephone
You may contact on:

Cell  +(27)73 980 8461
Or email on

Monday, October 22, 2012

The six intellectual faculties (part2)

The memory is the faculty we use to store index and recall information. Contrary to popular belief everyone has a perfect memory.It works,  a lot of us just don't know how to use it effectively. Memory works by association, ridiculous association. When we commit something to memory like peoples names, repeating the persons name probably wont cut it. What we must do is make an association between the persons name and perhaps a facial feature that stands out eg. Lets say you meet Peggy at the local theme park. When you meet her you can imagine a peg being attached to her nose, attacking her nose and biting on it the way pacman might. That's a ridiculous association! but it works,  I bet you 'll probably never forget Peggy's name, ever.

This is the factor in us that allows us to tune into another persons vibration. We can feel their "vibe" so to speak. This mental faculty allows us to pick up the emotional feeling tone of another. Married couples would have experience with this. You can tell when your spouse is in a funk, even if they say everything is OK. The words are noise and the vibration never lies. Our intuition allows us to make decisions based on gut feel.
We can develop our intuitive factor just as we can any muscle in our body. We have been conditioned to believe that women have intuition and men don't. This is false, as men we have been taught to suppress this emotional guidance system. We are conditioned to be macho and not express emotions. Men and women both have intuition and we can all start improving on it by tuning in to our emotions and what thy tell us about a particular person or situation

Napoleon Hill stated, "The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."
Einstein said "The imagination is more powerful than knowledge"

Our imagination is totally unlimited, It can image an endless amount of possibilities for our lives. For most of us our imagination is largely unused or we use our imagination and create amazing fantasies and then don't take action to realize them.Everything around us from the computer you're reading this on to the internet and the ipad were all created in the imagination first. Our ability to imagine our life as we want it is an amazing asset.The subconscious mind(which silently controls our life) cannot tell the difference between a real event and one that is vividly imagined. In the book psycho cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, he gives countless examples of professionals, from Jack Nicklaus the golfer to astronauts  preparing for missions in space who use imagination practice to simulate an action BEFORE they do it in reality. He states that we must have a clear picture of ourselves performing the action successfully. This imagination practice can be more important that form or swing dynamics he adds.

This is just one example of the immense power we have locked up in our imagination. How can you stimulate your imagination to create a life that inspires you. Take a look at the people who have succeeded in the past.You will see that they had a vivid picture of their life and business the way they wanted it long before they created it in reality.

If you found this information useful and would like to learn more.Please leave a comment below or sign up for my complimentary online course: The six steps you need to achieve any goal by clicking here 

I am committed to personal growth, constantly developing my skills and abilities. My passion is in helping others succeed greatly. I am very fortunate to have been mentored by, and now a Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor from the movie The Secret. I have studied from the best in the world. We all have big dreams that seem to get squashed by our circumstances and environment but this doesn't have to be. You can succeed in any environment when you take control of you. So if you want to make big changes in your results, please contact me for a  20minute consultation. We will discuss what your big goal really is and what it is that's standing in your way of getting it. If you know what you want, I can show you how to create it. Consultations can be done in person, via skype or telephone
You may contact on:

Cell  +(27)73 980 8461
Or email on

The six intellectual faculties (part1)

The six intellectual faculties. We as human beings are given immense potential to literally change anything in our lives. Too often however, we are at the mercy of the influences in our environment.We are controlled by the circumstances, events and conditions around us. But we don't have to float around being controlled by our outer environment, we can condition ourselves to live and create our lives from the inside out.

The way we can do this is by developing our six mental factors. These six mental faculties largely control what and how information goes into our consciousness. These faculties are Perception, reason, imagination, will, intuition and memory.Becoming aware of how we currently use these faculties and then consciously changing them will allow us to choose what we think and ultimately our results.

Perception is that ability we have to see our world.Its not what we look at but what we see. This explains that even though we may be in the same situation as another person, while all they see and focus on is limitations we can choose to look at and dwell on only the possibilities. Whatever we focus on will grow in our experience.There is a natural law called the law of polarity, It states that everything we see or feel has an opposite.The one cannot exist without the other.So if we see something negative in our lives that means there must be something positive about it.The law of polarity also states that through our perception we choose which of these possibilites to focus on... So what is it that you are choosing ?

The will
The will, this is the faculty that allows us to focus our attention on one thing, to the exclusion of all else. The will is like a magnifying glass, it channels our attention and energy toward a particular goal or outcome. In doing so we can choose to focus on what we are creating and ignore all other disturbances in our environment. Emerson said, "The only thing that can grow is that to which you give energy to." Using your will properly will ensure you are giving energy to those things that help you grow and achieve your goals, not to the things which are easy but get no results.

The next faculty to understand is reason. This is a conscious faculty we use to thin.Reason gives you the ability to choose our thoughts. In the book mans search for meaning by Victor Franckl who endured and survived torture in a Nazi death camp wrote "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way" Thinking is the highest faculty we as humans possess. So the next time someone accepts conditions in their life and  tells you that is just the way it is. Think about it and decide for yourself...

In the next post I will be discussing the other three mental faculties:the imagination, intuition and memory.
Please comment below or sign up for my six step goal achievement system here.

To your success!

Ramon Watson is a dynamic Thinking into Results facilitator with Bob Proctor. He is passionate in providing service and giving people more of the means of life. If you want to improve any area of your life contact Ramon on
Cell  +(27)73 980 8461
Or email on

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is your pot too small?

As a mildly obsessed nature lover I enjoy taking pictures of the most seemingly trivial things. A lob sided dung beetle or the silhouette of a dying acacia tree against the backdrop of the setting sun. The picture in today's post has a meaning that is quite profound as I think about it.

The law of all life is growth. All living things must grow if it continues to exist at all. Human beings are the same, we are either growing, expanding, stretching or were dying. At least this is what I have experienced in my own life.

When I first looked at this picture, I admired its obvious beauty and the expression of life and growth in its most natural state. Then i looked into it a bit further.

As beautiful as this little bud is, it only has so much room to grow. It is limited by its environment. The pot it sits in allows the roots to stretch out only so much, which ultimately limits the growth of the plant and prevents it from expressing its true beauty and potential to flower.

If the objective of all life is growth and expression and the environment that growth is exposed to is limited, then surely we are limiting life itself. In a similar way I find that being in the same environment day to day, exposed to the same limitations and space, we sometimes conform to those limits.
When I speak of environment, I consider the house we live in , the company we work for the social groups we get involved in and also the inner environment of self, our predominant mental state as well as our attitudes towards life and our role in it.

If we have outgrown our current environment then we must endeavor to move to a bigger arena, a larger "pot" so to speak. That involves taking a risk, the risk that we might fall at first and the understanding that falling and stumbling is a necessity of growth. We must become uncomfortable and place ourselves "out of our depth" for only then can we grow and expand our roots allowing our fruits to fully express themselves.

Which areas in your life are inhibiting you today? Is it the outer environment that you exist in, or is it a limiting belief, attitude or self image which holds you back .Whatever it is,  make a decision not to remain a seedling in life but to grow fully and express your own unique individuality. Come on ... The world is waiting for you. It will be worth it !

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You can start to think, plan and act right now!!

Please sign up for my free online course below. You will receive a welcome mail and lesson one in a few minutes.

To your success!