The frequency that you emanate (via your thoughts and feelings) will attract its like.
People circumstance and events that resonate with your dominant thoughts will be drawn towards you.
We should not think and act in opposite directions.
Ensure that your imagination (mental images) support and strengthen the desires you have developed.
Visualize the thing you desire, live in the house you want, the world is but a reflection of your true inner self.
Life is a mirror, you look outside and you get a reflection of yourself on the inside exactly as you really are.
All life is lived from the inside out.
If you continually visualize and expect bad things to happen to you then by your own mental images and vibration is is drawn to you.
The seemingly vicious world will give you exactly what you believe it will.
Remember: Nothing is … but thinking makes it so.
If you do what you want to do, and do it well. Life becomes a joy.
Therefore do the things that make you feel Great inside, dwell on thoughts and memories that lift your spirit.
The universe is not only a Thinking universe but it is a Feeling universe
“That which is likened to itself is drawn” - this is a restatement of the great law of attraction.
Want to feel confident? Act confidently!
Want to feel love? Go give it!
Want some more money? Go give some away!
Like attracts like
Be the change you want to see in the world – Ghandi
Remember that the present moment is your point of power.
The past is over; the future is not yet here.
It is only in this present moment that I can take action to change my life.
Use this moment now to think of the kind of life you want.
Dwell on the feelings that this lifestyle will give you.Then step out and create it.
It is only a matter of time
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