1) The Law of Control – we feel happy about ourselves to the extent that we have the ability to control what happens to us.
- Our thoughts, our feelings and eventually our actions
2) The Law of Polarity - Everything in the universe has its polar opposite. Left has a right. Inside must have an outside. If something bad has happened then there must be something good about it. But it is up to us to choose to focus on one or the other.
3) The Law of Cause and Effect - For every effect in our life there is a cause behind it
Everything happens for a reason.
If we can identify the causes then we'll be able to control the effects that happen in our lives.
Thoughts are causes and circumstances are effects
Our thoughts determine the circumstances in our lives
4) The Law of Belief
Whatever you believe with feeling will become your reality; your beliefs are a screen that you use to view the world and do not let anything contrary to your beliefs inside.
As a man thinketh so is he…
5) The Law of Expectations
Whatever we expect with confidence will become our reality.
What am I expecting, what do I tell myself about how things will unfold for me?
Eg. In the economy - expectations are self fulfilling e.g. expectation of more inflation will by its very nature increase inflation.
There are 3 key areas:-
a) What did our parents expect for us?
b) What expectations do I have for my colleagues, friends and other people that I work with?
c) What do I expect from myself? - Probably the most important of all!
6) The Law of Attraction
Each human being is a living magnet.
We all give off a certain frequency by our thoughts, feelings and actions.We have attracted into our lives people, events, circumstances that are in harmony with our own thoughts.
Attitude consist of our thoughts, feeling and actions.
Positive mental attitude is a critical prerequisite for success.
80% of your ability to succeed is determined by your attitude
Where do attitudes come from?
Our attitudes come from our expectations about outcomes.
Eg. What Kind of Outcomes do I expect??
Winners have the habit of expecting to succeed well in advance of the actual event.
They live through and really experience the emotions linked to winning in advance.
Where do our expectations come from ?
They come from our beliefs.These are ideas we have picked up and due to repetition and observation we believe them.These beliefs control our decisions and either help us or hinder us in our daily lives.
Where do our beliefs come from?
They are based on our self concept.
It is the controlling factor in our performance
Self concept = Self Ideal + Self esteem
How we think about ourselves
And the many smaller self concepts in other areas eg.driving, communicating, social,
work, sports and then in each aspect of that sport.
More about the self concept coming up in my next post - so stay tuned !! :)